Helping to integrate your critical business data to unlock actionable insights...
Grow your business
Cancer PTL
Clients often approach Krypton Concepts Ltd with a general idea of what they need, and this project was no different. We were able to jump right in with our expertise and really helped the company grow and evolve. Sample Cancer Waiting Time project completed for NHS consulting client..
Maternity Services
Often times our clients have everything they need to succeed, they just require the resources and support to make a strategic jump. Sample Maternity Obstetrics performance report created
Primary Care LTC Dashboard
This dashboard was designed to monitor Patients with long term conditions in both Primary care and Acute
Data Hub development
We approached this project carefully, as it was our very first undertaking of this scale. We studied our client’s business to create a focused and effective solution - and then watched it grow. We loved working with this client, and look forward to collaborating together on many more successful projects in the future.